
Gunalight er en norsk patentert oppfinnelse, som skaper energiflyt i kroppen.

PrisNOK5 900,00 inkl. mva.
På lager
Antall Pris per stk. Spar
0 5 900,00 0.00%
(6) (1 anmeldelse)
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(Prisen er oppgitt i norske kroner)

Gunalight er et revolusjonerende verktøy med oppsiksvekkende resultater.  Gratis Appen viser deg hvor enkelt Gunalight er å bruke.  Du trenger ingen forkunnskaper for å få dette til. 
Gunalight utnytter kraften av fullspektrum lysbehandling, rettet gjennom en proprietær krystalllinse som nøye endrer og forbedrer lysets bølgelengde. Denne unike prosessen maksimerer virkningen på kroppens celler og energibaner, og skaper dermed et miljø som fremmer helbredelse . 


(6) (1 anmeldelse)


Enhancing Treatment with Gunalight

It is important for me to share my experience with the Gunalight, especially in conjunction with the AcuGraph review. What really struck me is the apparent difference in the treatment of acupoints listed in the AcuGraph examination as Deficient. I have repeatedly checked the results with my patients by repeating the process a few hours after the first treatment. Applying Gunalight to Deficient points for just 3 minutes each brings impressive results. Evert time we repeat the examination with AcuGraph, the points that were marked as Deficient appear noticeably higher and greener on the Graph, which clearly shows the improvement and effectiveness of Gunalight. The results are truly impressive and fully justifies the use of Gunalight to support and enhance treatment. Thank you for creating such great technology and for the positive impact it brings to both patients and healers alike.

(6) (1 anmeldelse)
, 13.12.2024

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